Monday 17 October 2011

Trailer analysis

Trailers are usually seperated into two categories. These are 'teaser' trailers, and 'theatrical' trailers.

The difference between the two is that a teaser trailer normally is released earlier than the theatrical trailer, and shows little information about the film. However, the teaser does aim to give an enigma so that people want to find out more about the film. Accurate information is not normally provided in a teaser trailer, an example of this is in the release date.

Paranormal Activity 3 is the third film in the Paranormal Activity trilogy. It has both a teaser and theatrical trailer, which will be shown just below.

Teaser Trailer:

Theatrical trailer:

So, other than the particular footage in the trailer, what makes one a teaser trailer, and another a theatrical trailer?

Personally, in what I consider the teaser trailer, the only information we are given about the film is that it is released in October. However, in the theatrical trailer, we are given an exact date of October 21, and also provided the address of a website designed for the film. (Click here to visit the advertised website). We are also told that we can visit 'Twitter', a website where somebody can follow things of interest such as new movies.

The theatrical trailer, even though it is only 10 seconds longer, seems to also show more footage, through faster editing and cutting between each clip.

Overall, I would say the main difference, as I said before, is that a theatrical trailer tends to give much more information to do with the film.

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